Since the first time my daughter held a crayon in her hand, she has been a little artist. She takes after my husband. The two of them are extremely artistic and it amazes me. Coloring is a favorite of hers, like every other child, but painting has a place in her heart. My daughter would rather paint than do any other activity. It can make a huge mess but thanks to Crayola’s washable products such as crayons, markers and paint, clean up is a breeze. My little artist can be as creative as she wants and I don’t have to worry about my floors, furniture, walls and everything else in my house. Check out Crayola’s website to learn more about all of the washable products they have to offer.

Art is such a great way for everyone to express themselves. It enhances a child’s development both physically and emotionally. Art strengthens fine and gross motor skills and allows a child to make a personal statement through their art. It helps build a child’s self esteem and gives the opportunity to experience happiness and pride.

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Art should be a daily activity. Whether it is coloring, painting, using clay or doing a craft, a child can explore their creativity and help build confidence. The benefits are immense.

Teachers can check out Crayola for Educators for professional development, lesson plans, products, teaching resources and more.

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Copyright © 2020 Gallivanting Mommy

9 Replies to “My little artist and the benefits of art”

  1. Good to have children learn about colours and basics of art at a young age. If they like it, they might as well pursue it professionally at a later stage..
    Nice write up Madam.. 🙂

  2. Some of my most cherished memories of childhood were painting with my mom. When my kids were small, I would display their art in our dining room, framed just like our more formal prints. They loved having their art showcased. Glad to have found your blog!

    1. That’s such a good idea! I’m going to display her art like that in our home too. Thanks for the idea and for reading my blog!

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